Hey Raga-Rootlings!
Once again I have been a little tardy with updates. The biweekly posts of Beauty and the Nerd have been a success so far and I am so thankful for the support I’ve been receiving. On March 27, Chapter 7 will be released on its normal scheduling so keep a lookout for that! Unfortunately, this will be the last one before I take a month’s break. Between finals and moving, I have been falling a bit behind with my writing as well as the Patreon releases. I’m not moving far, but the amount of packing and cleaning has been taking up my spare time if my studies are not. Starting early April I will be working on my final exams and should be finished up around April 23
Although I am taking a break from posting the Beauty and the Nerd series, I will be releasing Darkness Succumbs on Patreon! It’s the first chapter of my book that I have been working on. For each month for the next three months, I will be posting a chapter in hopes to raise money to publish it. Once I kick everything back up at the end of April, I will have hopefully more information on how you can show your support.
The last thing I wanted to talk about as well as the 6 month anniversary of the blog running! I know it doesn’t seem like much time has gone by since I first started the blog but it has come a long way since! With the first short stories to the ongoing series posting, it has been a pretty productive start. So on April 16 give a little cheer and shout out for the first rough six months and I look forward to creating more stories to share with you all.
Gosh with such a short post, I feel like more has been going on in real life than I have worth noting. Thank you for sticking around to read, I will update you all after my exams in April!
Turan Turnip